Tea fiend

I finished my PhD in Geography* in 2021. I love research and writing, and I’m good at both**, but over the course of the PhD program I found myself more drawn to public-facing work than publishing behind paywalls.

Prior to graduate school I worked full time in the Portland Opera costume shop. I loved that creative, collaborative, often unpredictable environment!

My unique background has produced a strange hybrid creature: I am more flexible and creative than the average academic, and more data-driven and exacting than the average creative.

creativity • curiosity • collaboration • 

creativity • curiosity • collaboration • 

creativity • curiosity • collaboration • 

creativity • curiosity • collaboration • 

creativity • curiosity • collaboration • 

*My PhD is in Geography.

Most Americans associate “geography” with junior high social studies classes or Arrested Development’s bumbling Buster Bluth.

In the real world, at the university level, Human Geography is a social science that prioritizes situated, spatial analyses of social dynamics.

**grad school highlights

I’ve conducted original mixed-methods research including qualitative, quantitative, and archival research.

My doctorate was funded by the Deans Distinguished University Fellowship and my masters was funded by the prestigious Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship.

In 2020 I was awarded the Alexander B. Murphy Dissertation Award – a national award in political geography. And in 2021 I was accepted to the competitive American Studies Association Conference as a junior scholar with a solo-authored paper from an outside discipline.


years of research experience


Survey participants


One on one interviews

Programs I use for research, presentations and writing

These are a few of my favorite things:

Vintage fashion




NYT word games

Costume design

Queer community

My hearing aids


Long bike rides

The good pens

Annie Boots


Fiber arts

Black Mountain College


Take a peek!

See my portfolio

Let's work together

Contact Jenny